State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City (University of Macau)

Open Research Project Application Procedures 2023

  1. Applicants who are interested in applying for the Open Research Project in SKL-IoTSC are required to communicate extensively with the collaborators in SKL-IoTSC
  2. The application form should be submitted via email to your collaborators
  3. Additionally, please ensure that the applicant’s updated curriculum vitae is attached to the application.
  4. The subject of the email shall be: “SKL-IoTSC ORP 2023 + Applicant Name + University”.
  5. Upon receiving the recommendation from the collaborator, the application will be forwarded to the SKL-IoTSC committee for review
  6. For any inquiries, please contact SKL-IoTSC (UM) at Tel: +853 8822 4200; Email: