
數據的時空屬性可以產生具有GPS功能的智能設備(如智能手機)或由用戶直接輸入到系統,存在大量噪音。這些噪音會嚴重影響數據分析結果的質量。為了解決這一問題,研究工作利用不同屬性對聚類結果互加強(增強)以消除噪聲的影響,從而提高了時空數據的聚類質量。另外,還根據數據的分佈特性(時空數據在空間上經常滿足高斯分佈),提出自動確定聚類個數的算法。社交媒體數據具有文本,時間,空間等屬性,並以數據流的方式產生。根據此特點,我們提出了實時事件珍惜側向算法,該算法可以檢測出在時間空間上所發生的事件。時間序列一般是指在時間維度上密集產生的一類大數據(如股票信息)。應用中經常需要查找與給定的一個時間序列具有最大相似段的時間序列集,而常規我們提出了菱形索引結構用於高效支持類別變長段匹配的查詢與分析。主要研究成果發表在國際一流會議與期刊上Sigir,ACM TIST,CIKM,ICDE ,IJCAI,Sigmod和PVLDB。



在這一領域的研究主要包括社交網絡的抽樣技術,結點影響力的計算,以及社交網絡在推薦領域的應用。通過理論分析,發現社交網結點抽樣算法的收斂速度和網絡的拓撲結構密切相關。提出了利用結點的局部結構動態調整算法的行走概率,進而加速抽樣的收斂速度。根據結點的局部結構分析該用戶選擇社交朋友的行為特點,從而判斷相鄰結點對其的行為影響力。利用這一技術,提高了合成推薦算法以及結點影響力算法的性能。相關論文發表在ICDE, ACM TODS, TKDE, KIS, WWWJ.


時空數據資源被存儲於各式各樣的數據庫系統。這些系統的接口一般設計的比較簡單,不適用於批量獲取。在這方面的研究主要包括兩個方面:界面查詢的擴展技術以及kNN界面空間數據資源的獲取技術。界面擴展技術是利用數據抽樣算法擴展原數據庫界面的查詢能力。 kNN界面數據資源的獲取技術給出多維空間數據庫的快速數據獲取算法,並證明了算法性能只與數據庫的大小有關,而與數據的空間分佈無關。相關工作發表在TKDE。



[1 ]Dichao Li, Zhiguo Gong, and Defu Zhang: A Common Topic Transfer Learning Model for Crossing City POI Recommendations. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics. Accepted (2018).

[2] Na Ta, Guoliang Li, Tianyu Zhao, Jianhua Feng, Hanchao Ma, Zhiguo Gong: An Efficient Ride-Sharing Framework for Maximizing Shared Route. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 30(2): 219-233 (2018)

[3] Yuhong Li, Jie Bao, Member, Yanhua Li, Member, Yingcai Wu, Zhiguo Gong, and Yu Zheng. Mining the Most Influential k-Location Set From Massive Trajectories. IEEE Transactions on Big Data, (2018).

[4] Juan Lu, Zhiguo Gong, Xuemin Lin. A Novel and Fast SimRank Algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (2017)

[5] Zhenguo Yang, Qing Li, Zheng Lu, Yun Ma, Zhiguo Gong, Wenyin Liu. Dual Structure Constrained Multimodal Feature Coding for Social Event Detection in Flickr Data. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (2017)

[6] Hui Yan, Zhiguo Gong, Nan Zhang, Tao Huang, Hua Zhong, Jun Wei. Crawling Hidden Objects with kNN Queries. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. (2016)

[7] Huiqi Hu Guoliang Li Zhifeng Bao Jianhua Feng Zhiguo Gong. Top-k Spatial-Textual Similarity Join. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. (2016)

[8] Zhuojie Zhou, Nan Zhang, Zhiguo Gong, and Gautam Gas. Faster Random Walks By Rewiring Online Social Networks On-The-Fly. ACM Transactions on Database Systems. (2016)

[9] Hui Yan, Zhiguo Gong, Nan Zhang, Tao Huang, Hua Zhong, Jun Wei. “Aggregate Estimation in Hidden Databases with Checkbox Interfaces”. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 27(5) (2015), pp.1192-1204.

[10] Ruicheng Zhong, Guoliang Li, Kian-lee Tan, Lizhu Zhou, Zhiguo Gong. “G-Tree: An Efficient and Scalable Index for Spatial Search on Road Networks”. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 27(8) (2015): 2175-2189

[11] Bailong Liao, Leong Hou U, Man Lung Yiu, and Zhiguo Gong.  “Beyond Millisecond Latency k NN Search on Commodity Machine”. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 27(10): 2618-2631 (2015).

[12] Minghe Yu, Guoliang Li, Ting Wang, Jianhua Feng, Zhiguo Gong. “Efficient Filtering Algorithms for Location-Aware Publish/Subscribe”. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 27(4): 950-963 (2015)

[13] Yiyang Yang, Zhiguo Gong, Leong Hou U. “Identifying Points of Interest using heterogenous Features”. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology. 5(4): 68:1-68:27 (2014).

[14] Leong Hou U, Hongjun Zhao, Man Lung Yiu, Yuhong Li, and Zhiguo Gong. “Towards Online Shortest Paths Computation”. IEEE Transaction on Knowledge and Data Engineering. 26(4): 1012-1025 (2014).

[15] Jinjin Guo, Zhiguo Gong, A Density-based Nonparametric Model for Online Event Discovery from the Social Media Data, In Proceedings of the 26th IJCAI2017.

[16] Yiyang, Zhiguo Gong, Qing Li, Leong Hou U, Ruichu Cai, Zhifeng Hao. A Robust Noise Resistant Algorithm for POI Identification from Flickr Data. In Proceedings of the 26th IJCAI2017.

[17] Ngai Meng Kou, Yan Li, Hao Wang, Leong Hou U, Zhiguo Gong, “Crowdsourced Top-k Queries by Confidence-Aware Pairwise Judgments”, Proceedings of the SIGMOD, 2017.

[18] Jinjin Guo, Zhiguo Gong. A Nonparametric Model for Event Discovery in the Geospatial-Temporal Space. ACM CIKM2016.

[19] Yuhong Li, Jie Bao, Yanhua Li, Yingcai Wu, Zhiguo Gong, Yu Zheng.  ACM Sigspatial 2016

[20] Ngai Meng Kou, Leng Hou U, Nikos Mamoulis, Zhiguo Gong. Weighted Coverage based Reviewer Assignment. In Proceedings of ACM Sigmod2015.

[21] Yuhong Li, Leong Hou U, Man Lung Yiu, and Zhiguo Gong. Quick-Motif: An Efficient and Scalable Framework for Exact Motif Discovery. In Proceedings of ICDE2015.

[22] Ngai Meng Kou, Leong Hou U, Nikos Mamoulis, Yuhong Li, Ye Li, Zhiguo Gong. A Topic-based Reviewer Assignment System. PVLDB 8(12): 1852-1863 (2015).

[23] Yuhong Li, Yu Zheng, Shenggong Ji, Wenjun Wang, Leong Hou U, and Zhiguo Gong. Location Selection for Ambulance Stations: A Data-Driven Approach. In Proceedings of ACM Sigspatial 2015.
