2024 Journal List

Author Paper Name, Publication, Vol. Page
Lu Binbin, Fan Bo, Wu Yuan, Qian Liping, Zhang Haixia, Lu Rongxing “Predictive Computation Offloading and Resource Allocation in DT-Empowered Vehicular Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Volume: 25, 2024
Huang Ning, Dong Huanyu, Dou Chenglong, Wu Yuan, Qian Liping, Ma Shaodan, Lu Rongxing “Edge Intelligence Oriented Integrated Sensing and Communication: A Multi-Cell Cooperative Approach”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Volume: 73, 2024
Huang Ning; Dong Huanyu ; Dou Chenglong ; Wu Yuan; Qian Liping ; Ma Shaodan; Lu Rongxing “Edge Intelligence Oriented Integrated Sensing and Communication: A Multi-Cell Cooperative Approach”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Volume: 73, 2024
Cai Xinquan, Sang Qianlong, Hu Chuang, Gong Yili, Suo Kun, Zhou Xiaobo, Cheng Dazhao “Incendio: Priority-Based Scheduling for Alleviating Cold Start in Serverless Computing”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Volume: 73, 2024
Feng Yuan, Gao Feifei, Tao Xiaoming, Ma Shaodan, Poor H. Vincent “Vision-Aided Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communications for Smart Factory”, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Volume: 72, 2024
Wang Hulin, Yang Donglin, Xia Yaqi, Zhang Zheng, Wang Qigang, Fan Jianping, Zhou Xiaobo, Cheng Dazhao “Raptor-T: A Fused and Memory-Efficient Sparse Transformer for Long and Variable-Length Sequences”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Volume: 73, 2024
Zhou Binggui, Yang Xi, Ma Shaodan, Gao Feifei, Yang Guanghua “Pay Less but Get More: A Dual-Attention-Based Channel Estimation Network for Massive MIMO Systems With Low-Density Pilots”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Volume: 23, 2024
Zhang Zheng, Xia Yaqi, Wang Hulin, Yang Donglin, Hu Chuang, Zhou Xiaobo, Cheng Dazhao “MPMoE: Memory Efficient MoE for Pre-Trained Models With Adaptive Pipeline Parallelism”, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Volume: 35, 2024
Fang Yuan, Yang Geping, Chen Xiang, Gong Zhiguo, Yang Yiyang, Chen Can, Hao Zhifeng “Landmark-based k-factorization multi-view subspace clustering”, Information Sciences, Volume: 667, 2024
Liu Liu, Ding Zhijun, Cheng Dazhao, Zhou Xiaobo “Locality-Aware and Fault-Tolerant Batching for Machine Learning on Distributed Datasets”, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, Volume: 12, 2024
Ye Zhuyifan, Wang Nannan, Zhou Jiantao, Ouyang Defang “Organic crystal structure prediction via coupled generative adversarial networks and graph convolutional networks”, Innovation, Volume: 5, 2024
Wang Mengzhu, Chen Junyang, Wang Ye, Gong Zhiguo, Wu Kaishun, Leung Victor C. M. “TFC: Transformer Fused Convolution for Adversarial Domain Adaptation”, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, Volume: 11, 2024
Qiao Ziyue, Wang Pengyang, Wang Pengfei, Ning Zhiyuan, Fu Yanjie, Du Yi, Zhou Yuanchun, Huang Jianqiang, Hua Xian-Sheng, Xiong Hui “A Dual-channel Semi-supervised Learning Framework on Graphs via Knowledge Transfer and Meta-learning”, ACM Transactions on the Web, Volume: 18, 2024
Dong Hao, Wang Pengyang, Xiao Meng, Ning Zhiyuan, Wang Pengfei, Zhou Yuanchun “Temporal inductive path neural network for temporal knowledge graph reasoning”, Artificial Intelligence, Volume: 329, 2024
Guo Xianwei, Huang Fangwan, Yang Dingqi, Tu Chunyu, Yu Zhiyong, Guo Wenzhong “Spatiotemporal Fracture Data Inference in Sparse Mobile Crowdsensing: A Graph- and Attention-Based Approach”, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Volume: 32, 2024
Zhou Haoran, Rang Wei, Chen Hongyang, Zhou Xiaobo, Cheng Dazhao “DeepTM: Efficient Tensor Management in Heterogeneous Memory for DNN Training”, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2024
Han Wencheng, Dong Xingping, Zhang Yiyuan, Crandall David, Xu Cheng-Zhong, Shen Jianbing “Asymmetric Convolution: An Efficient and Generalized Method to Fuse Feature Maps in Multiple Vision Tasks”, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Volume: , 2024
Lu Ziyang, Zhao Yubin, Li Xiaofan, Xu Cheng-Zhong “Randomized Passive Energy Beamforming for Cooperative Localization in Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Assisted Wireless Backscattered Sensor Network”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Volume: 11, 2024
Li Zhenning, Tang Ruru, Li Guofa, Xu Chengzhong “Understanding social attitudes towards autonomous driving: a perspective from Chinese citizens”, Transportation, Volume: , 2024
Guo Zizheng, Liu Qing, Zhang Lin, Li Zhenning, Li Guofa “L-TLA: A Lightweight Driver Distraction Detection Method Based on Three-Level Attention Mechanisms”, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Volume: , 2024
Petropoulos Fotios, Laporte Gilbert, Aktas Emel, Alumur Sibel A., Archetti Claudia, Ayhan Hayriye, Battarra Maria, Bennell Julia A., Bourjolly Jean-Marie, Boylan John E., Breton Michèle, Canca David, Charlin Laurent, Chen Bo, Cicek Cihan Tugrul, Cox Louis Anthony, Currie Christine S.M., Demeulemeester Erik, Ding Li, Disney Stephen M., Ehrgott Matthias, Eppler Martin J., Erdoğan Güneş, Fortz Bernard, Franco L. Alberto, Frische Jens, Greco Salvatore, Gregory Amanda J., Hämäläinen Raimo P., Herroelen Willy, Hewitt Mike, Holmström Jan, Hooker John N., Işık Tuğçe, Johnes Jill, Kara Bahar Y., Karsu Özlem, Kent Katherine, Köhler Charlotte, Kunc Martin, Kuo Yong-Hong, Letchford Adam N., Leung Janny, Li Dong, Li Haitao, Lienert Judit, Ljubić Ivana, Lodi Andrea, Lozano Sebastián, Lurkin Virginie, Martello Silvano, McHale Ian G., Midgley Gerald, Morecroft John D.W., Mutha Akshay, Oğuz Ceyda, Petrovic Sanja, Pferschy Ulrich, Psaraftis Harilaos N., Rose Sam, Saarinen Lauri, Salhi Said, Song Jing-Sheng, Sotiros Dimitrios, Stecke Kathryn E., Strauss Arne K., Tarhan İstenç, Thielen Clemens, Toth Paolo, Van Woensel Tom, Berghe Greet Vanden, Vasilakis Christos, Vaze Vikrant, Vigo Daniele, Virtanen Kai, Wang Xun, Weron Rafał, White Leroy, Yearworth Mike, Yıldırım E. Alper, Zaccour Georges, Zhao Xuying “Operational Research: methods and applications”, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Volume: 75, 2024
Lu Ziyang, Zhao Yubin, Ge Yuming, Xu Cheng-Zhong “RACLN: Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface as Anchors for Cooperative Localization of Wireless Sensor Network”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Volume: , 2024
Chen Yang, Zhao Yubin, Ge Yuming, Xu Cheng-Zhong “Game-Theoretic Power Allocation Scheme of Cooperative Localization in Hybrid Active-Passive Wireless Sensor Networks”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Volume: , 2024
Tang Ruru, Li Zhenning, Xu Chengzhong “An Adaptive Control Framework for Mixed Autonomy Traffic Platoon”, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Volume: , 2024