Macau Telecom and the University of Macau have signed a renewed strategic cooperation agreement, aiming to further deepen collaboration in areas such as artificial intelligence and big data in industry-academia research projects. During the meeting, the University of Macau also presented two industry-academia research projects. One project involved utilizing big data analysis to understand the cultural backgrounds and preferences of travelers and provide personalized travel guides. The other project aimed to enhance enterprise work efficiency and accuracy by utilizing automated customer experience testing tools to better understand customer service experiences.

The two parties previously signed a strategic cooperation agreement in 2018. Ebel Cham, Vice President of Commercial of CTM
, expressed that through years of collaboration, they have incorporated students’ innovative thinking into products, driving technological advancements and nurturing technological talents for academic institutions. They hope to extend the outcomes of their collaboration to various industries in Macau. Associate Professor WONG Seng Fat from the Department of Electromechanical Engineering at the University of Macau pointed out that industry-academia research collaboration is a major trend. With Macau Telecom’s extensive database, deepening the collaboration will accelerate the transformation of data models into practical applications, optimizing enterprise services, and contributing to the smart development of Macau as a city.